Director: Sharon Pitcock
Fun Fact: Sharon was a teacher for many years before coming to us as director.
CFO (Chief Financial Officer):
MaryAnn Johnson
Fun Fact: MaryAnn earned a B.A. in Art from DePauw.
Transportation: Rita Branham
Fun Fact: With all of her previous sales experience, Rita can sell you anything.
Transportation and Maintenance:
Rod Kersey
Fun Fact: Rod performs regularly in a country-western band and lives on a
farm with horses.
Board of Directors: Bill
Eggers, President; Thelma Bumgardner, Vice-President; Fred Dismukes,
Treasurer, Linda Gregory, Secretary; Members: Roy Giesen, Kyle
Hutchison, Barbara Black, Buck Martin, Charles Miles, Frances Sparks,
Jackie Young
Advisory Board: John Blaydoe,
Reta Branham, Helen Knauer, Ila Reeves, Don Short